Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven, Seeking

Classic Director of Faith Formation

Half-Time Position, Focused on Youth ProgramHistoric & welcoming, strong in faith, music, and social justice. This service is eager to grow with your help.

Meet our community

Faith Formation Today

We are a mid-sized, welcoming congregation with a growing Faith Formation Second Hour that engages families and creates meaningful conversation.

Our team today

Meet the staff

Rev. María Uitti McCabe, Music Director Dwight Thomas, Congregational Life Coordinator Ashley Aadland-Lessa, & Custodian Denis Hebert welcome you.

Our story

Unitarian Memorial Church

Unitarian Memorial Church is a historic church located at 102 Green Street in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, home to the Unitarian Universalist Society of Fairhaven.


Apply Below!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Welcome to

the UUSF Community

Our community has pioneered a model of second-hour Faith Formation that serves everyone, with programming for youth, programming for adults and combined programming for both. We've recorded great interest and great attendance.

Our message

How we connect

We know that today's families need an updated model of religious education that centers parents, caregivers and the children and youth in their care.Use the links below to see examples.

Our schedule

Faith Formation Today

Unitarian Universalism has a long history of progressive and forward thinking religious education. Let's bring it forward into the 21st century together.

Our team today

Meet the staff

Rev. María Uitti McCabe, Music Director Dwight Thomas, Congregational Life Coordinator Ashley Aadland-Lessa, & Custodian Denis Hebert welcome you.

Interim Reverend

María Uitti McCabe

"Ministry in Unitarian Universalism gives me something unaccountably precious to fight for and nurture. It holds me accountable for building community and living into right relationship." Rev. María Uitti McCabe is the current interim minister through June 2026.

Music Director

Dwight Thomas

Dwight has been the music director at Unitarian Memorial Church since 1996. Originally from Pawtucket, RI, he now makes his home in New Bedford, and as an accomplished organist and pianist, provides music for Sunday worship services, organ recitals, weddings, memorial services, choir concerts and special events.

Congregational Life Coordinator

Ashley Aadland-Lessa

Ashley joined our team in November, 2017 after a four month search process. As the congregational life coordinator, Ashley serves as the administrator and membership coordinator for UUSF. Ashley is passionate about diversity, equity, inclusion, social justice, and serving both UUSF members and the wider community.

Lead Custodian

Denis Hebert

Denis has been our lead custodian since 2016. Denis is a Vietnam veteran and retired from a career working in the ship yards of New Bedford, the city where he was born and raised.

Our story

Unitarian Memorial Church

The Unitarian Memorial Church in Fairhaven was built, financed, and donated to the Unitarians in 1904 by Henry H. Rogers in memory of his mother, Mary Eldredge Huttleston. The architects Brigham, Coveney and Bisbee of Boston designed this church in the 15th century Gothic perpendicular style.


Cover Letter

In order to provide confidence for applicants, we've provided additional information about our congregation, a letter from the Reverend, a Covenant of Right Relations, requirements for application, and an expected timeline.First, please see the cover letter for applicants provided by the Director of Faith Formation Search Team.

Letter & Covenant

Please see the letter from Reverend María Uitti McCabe for her thoughts on UUSF.

Covenant of Right Relations

We covenant to build a religious community guided by love and sustained by respectful relationships. Believing that building healthy relationships is a spiritual practice, we listen appreciatively, speak with care, express gratitude, and honor our differences, working toward consensus where possible and moving forward in faith where it is not.We communicate directly, honestly, and compassionately, even when we are in conflict. When we hurt one another, we engage in the work of forgiveness and listening, repairing harm where possible, and knowing that healing and reconnecting take time. In celebration of the common purpose that unites us, we abide by this covenant, imperfectly but faithfully, as we work together to build the world we dream of.

Job Posting

The Classic Director of Faith Formation will lead the Faith Formation program for children and youth, working closely with the minister and members of the Faith Formation Committee, to coordinate a healthy and vibrant learning community for children and youth.

How to apply

For applying, please provide the following:

• A Letter of Intent
• Resume or CV
• “Getting To Know You” responses


May 6th - June 15th: Receive applications
June 9th - June 15th: Review applicants and schedule interviews
June 16th - June 29th: Hold interviews
Early to Mid July: Team makes decision & makes an offer to the candidate
August 1st: New DFF begins

Submit to: [email protected]